Dual High Power Ultrafast Recovery Rectifier - SK2U240-200

Date:December 16, 2016

The SK2U240-200 is a pair of high current, ultrafast recovery rectifiers packaged in the thermally efficient SOT-227 outline.  The device has a robust continuous forward current rating of 123A (per leg), a reverse voltage capability of 200V and a very high single cycle surge rating of 1300A which is critical in reactively loaded circuits. The two rectifiers are independently configured which provides design flexibility. The combination of ultrafast reverse and forward recovery times, low peak reverse recovery current and “soft” recovery characteristics make this device ideal for high power, high frequency applications.



 High current density of 123A per rectifier element (50% duty cycle square wave)

 Reverse recovery time of 70ns typical

 High reverse voltage capability of 200V

 Low forward voltage of 1.04V typical per element (IF=120A @ TJ=25oC)

 Low peak reverse recovery current of 12A typical

 Very low leakage / idle current (typical IR<1μA @ TJ=25oC) reduces reverse energy losses

 High forward surge capability (1300A) needed for capacitive loaded circuits

 Thermally efficient isolated DBC base substrate



 Output rectification

 Welding equipment

 Switching power supplies

 Inductive load energy suppression

 Power inverters

 DC / DC converters

SK2U240-200 N1626 REV.-.pdf
